Ship Camouflage Instructions
United States Navy
Ships - 2 
Revision 1
Bureau of Ships
September 1941



Definition of Ship Camouflage.

Ship camouflage mean painting a ship for the purpose of low visibility and of deception in course and range estimation.  Low visibility is secured by reduction of contrast with the background.  Course estimation is rendered difficult by using dark colors, which make shadows less conspicuous, or by a pattern of confusing spots.

Scope of These Instructions.

Chapter 2 gives specific and detailed measures for the painting of surface ships and submarines for the purpose of low visibility and deception.  In order to give a reader unfamiliar with the subject a clear understanding of developments up to the present time, there is included in Chapter 3 a brief but fairly complete survey of information resulting from experiments on which the measures are based.

First Revision.

This is the first revision of the publication "Ship Camouflage Instructions United States Navy. Ships-2. January 1941."  It supplants the original edition in its entirety.  Experimentation consequent upon the issuance  of that publication has led to changes  in the colors and minor modifications have been made in the measures themselves.  Certain measures were found to be ineffective.  This caused Measures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 to become obsolete, and left Measure 9 unchanged.  The present revision presents the old Measure 9 and new Measures 11, 12, 13 and 14.  There has been no Measure 10.

Further Revision

This booklet is assembled in loose leaf form with the object of facilitating revision as further information becomes available.  It is requested that pertinent comments be submitted via the chain of command and that instances of notably effective or ineffective camouflage be noted with particular care taken to evaluate all the circumstances.

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